Measuring Up

As we enter a new year, have you assessed where you are and where you need to go?  Has success been eluding you?  Are you where you thought you would be at this point in your life?  It’s a common feeling.  So don’t let it hit you hard because you are not the only one thinking that way.
A lot of times its just a little change in focus that can make the difference for you.  There is a secret to it and here it is.


Albert Einstein said,

“try not to be a success in life, simply try to be a person of value.”  

How do you be a person of value?  You do what John Maxwell says;

if you want to feel valuable, add value to other people.

The more you focus on adding value to other people on a daily basis, then you don’t worry so much about where you are or whether you are measuring up because you are making a difference in the lives of other people.  It also makes you change you way of measuring.  You define success differently.

Adding Value

So here’s a few steps you can employ to help move in that direction and add value to other people:
  1. LOOK LOCAL FIRST. A lot of times people worry about what’s going on elsewhere on the other side of the world but there are a lot of things going on right now in your own backyard where you can make a difference.  Your home, for instance.  Adding value to your spouse or to your children.  Adding value to your co-workers in the office or your boss.  Adding value in your daily encounters with other people as you go through the day; the people who work in the grocery store, the people who handle your dry cleaning.  All of these people are looking for someone to add value to them and you can be that person.
  2. CARE ABOUT PEOPLE.  Focus on what you give to other people and that will make a huge difference in the world.
  3. EXPRESS GRATITUDE.  Express gratitude to people for what they have done for you.  To the person who takes your money at the grocery store, express gratitude for the work they do.